Горєв В'ячеслав Миколайович

Associate Professor of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications 





Google Academy


Education and career

2007: graduated from Dnipropetrovsk Regional Lyceum-Boarding School of Physics and Mathematics;

2007–2011: student (bachelor), Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, graduated from Department of Theoretical Physics, specialty: physics;

2011–2012: student (master), Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, graduated from Department of Theoretical Physics, specialty: physics;

2012–2015: PhD student of Department of Theoretical Physics, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University;

2016: defended a PhD thesis in the specialty of theoretical physics. The topic of the thesis is “Reduced description of non-equilibrium systems taking into account relaxation processes”;

2015–2017: different positions at the Department of Theoretical Physics, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (senior laboratory assistant, research assistant, head of the laboratory);

since 2017: assistant professor of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications, Dnipro University of Technology.

Educational activities

Vyacheslav Gorev is a lecturer of the following disciplines: technical electrodynamics, theory of electric circuits and signals, adaptive filtration theory.

Research activities

Statistical physics (spatially homogenous processes in the vicinity of hydrodynamic states, kinetic equations, systems with weak interaction), filtration theory (telecommunication traffic forecasting)

International activities

Vyacheslav Gorev took part in 43 international conferences including personal participation in MECO 38 – MECO 41 (Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 2013; Сoventry, England, 2014; Esztegrom, Hungary, 2015; Vienna, Austria, 2016)

Publications and patents

One monograph, 2 tutorials, 3 educational guides on laboratory and practical works, PhD thesis, 20 papers, 16 conference proceedings, 40 conference abstracts