
Distance lecture

профессор Рюдигер Гримм

On the February 3, 2015 for students of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications was conducted a distance lecture by Professor Rüdiger Grimm from the University of Koblenz-Landau (Universität Koblenz-Landau), Germany.

The lecture was held in the online mode. In its organization on the part of Germany participated graduates of the Faculty of Information Technology NMU, who continue their studies at the University of Koblenz-Landau.

лекція з кібер-безпеки

Students of 2nd-4th years of studying from the "Security of Information and Communication Systems", "Information Security Management" and "Systems of Technical Information Protection" courses of training attended a lecture on "Cyber Security Strategy".

професор Рюдігер Грімм проводить дистанційну лекцію

Students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the classification of information and cyber threats, the basic requirements for information security and implementation of protection strategies, that act and are applicable on the territory of the European Union and the United States. After the lecture students posed questions to the lecturer and got the answers.

студенти кафедри БІТ слухають дистанційну лекцію

Taking into account the positive result of this event, in the future we are planning to continue giving the lectures in such format for students of IST and other departments of the Faculty of Information Technology NMU.

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