Professor of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications

Education and career

  • 1992 — radio engineer specializing in “Radio technical means”.
  • 2000 — defended his candidate of technical sciences thesis on February 20, 2014, majoring in “Weapons and military equipment” on the topic “Methodology for calculating broadband information transmission lines in aircraft electronic control systems”.
  • 2011 — senior researcher on the specialty 05.13.06 “Information technologies”.
  • 2015 — defended the thesis of Doctor of Technical Sciences on 05.12.13, specialty “Radio-technical devices and means of telecommunications” on the topic “Methodological foundations of ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of mobile communication systems”.
  • 2017 — specialist diploma in the specialty “Security of information and communication systems”. Proficiency in English at the B2 level (certificate No. 24499 dated May 4, 2018).

      After graduation in 1992 KVZRIU named after S.M. Kirova served in the Ukrainian Armed Forces (1992-2000). In 2000-2011 Head of the Research Department of Automation and Computerization of the Armed Forces of the Center for Military and Strategic Research of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. In 2011-2024 associate professor, professor, head of departments of the National University of Transport, DUIT, NTUU “KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, KNU named after Taras Shevchenko and NAU.

Educational activities

       Teaches the discipline “Modern methods of information processing”. Has experience in teaching disciplines: Theory of intelligent systems; Machine learning; Electrical engineering and electronics; Methods of artificial intelligence for smart technologies; Special course in the design of radio-electronic equipment and communication systems, etc.

      Member of the Ukrainian Association of Information Technology Specialists (UAFIT) since 2020.

Research activities

      Research areas: modern technologies in electronic communications and radio engineering, information security in information and communication networks.

Publications and patents

    Has more than 130 scientific and scientific-methodological works.

Certification training

     1. Certificate DN 202305202 of participation Awarded to Mykhailo Stepanov for the active participation in the International Internship “Digital Future: Blended Learning” (April 4, 2023 – May 31, 2023): м. Кельн (Німеччіна), Київ, Одесса, Тернопіль (Україна). Total 180 houers.

    2. Certificate No. 102020008 on internship at the Prague Institute of Advanced Education (Prague, Czech Republic) in the period from October 26 to November 8, 2020, amounting to 180 hours (6 ECTS credits), issued on November 9, 2020.