Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications

Education and Career

    2006 – received a master’s degree in the specialty “Protection of information in computer systems and networks”

    since 2006 – teacher of the department

    from 2014 to 2017 – secretary of the admissions committee of the faculty of information technologies

    since 2017 – deputy dean for academic work of the faculty of information technologies.

Educational activities

    He teaches the disciplines “Organization of databases and knowledge”, “Modern programming languages ​​and web technologies”, “Cyber ​​protection”, “Computer networks”, “Telecommunications and information networks”.

Research activities

    From 2022 – postgraduate studies (evening form) in the specialty 122 Computer Sciences.

Publications and patents

    Telecommunication and information networks: textbook / V.I. Magro, V.I. Meshkov; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National technical Univ. “Dniprov Polytechnic” – Dnipro: NTU “DP”, 2022. -226 p.

    Meshkov, V. I. Analysis of modern systems of detection and prevention of intrusions in information and telecommunication systems / V. I. Meshkov, V. O. Virolainen // Materials of the XIII All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Theoretical and applied problems physics, mathematics and informatics”, Kyiv – Kyiv: NTUU “KPI”. – P. 195-198.

Certification training

    10.12.2021 – state certificate of proficiency in the state language (first degree) UMD No. 00072203, National Commission for State Language Standards.

    11/20/2021 – 11/29/2021 advanced training (30 hours) “Information security in the conditions of digital transformation of public administration” NTU “Dniprovska Polytechnic” certificate PK02070743/000494388-21

    07.10.2021 – 13.10.2021 advanced training (30 hours) “Information security in the conditions of digital transformation of public administration” NTU “Dniprovska Polytechnic” certificate PK02070743/000485388-21

    12/23/2019 – 06/26/2020 advanced training (180 hours) NTU “Dniprovska Polytechnic” certificate PK02070743/000222-20

    01.12.2018 – 01.03.2019 internship certificate at Geobit-Pangea featuring, AGH University of Science and Technology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland).