Professor of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications

Education and Career

    Kharkiv State Technical University of Radio Electronics, specialty: 0804 Computer Science, bachelor’s diploma of Kharkiv Institute of Technology No. 17337627 dated July 30, 2001;

    Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, specialty: 080404 Intelligent decision-making systems, specialist’s diploma Kharkiv No. 21126698 dated 07/05/2002;

    Candidate of Technical Sciences, 05.13.21–Technical protection systems, topic: “Methods and means of universal hashing using Suzuki curves”, DC No. 041304 dated February 28, 2017.

    From 2019 to the present, he is a valid member of the Academy of the Ukrainian Academy of Cyber ​​Security (Decision of the Presidium No. 1256 of March 25, 2019).

Educational activities

    Teaches disciplines: “Intelligent systems of cyber protection”, “Methods of construction and analysis of cryptosystems”, “Organization of special office management”.

Scientific activities

    Cybersecurity, quantum communication, post-quantum cryptography, group theory, group cryptography, intelligent systems.

International activities

    Responsible executor of the grant program “Quantum security for 5G Emerging network” CRDF Grant 34901212401, Sumy State University (2020-2022).

Publications and patents

    He has about 90 scientific publications, including 2 monographs and 2 author’s certificates.

Certification training

    Internship from April 1, 2022. to 01.09.2022 at Unlink VR Inc. Topics:

       1. Methodology of development of protected software.

       2. Methodology for the development of secure information exchange channels using quantum key distribution technologies. The volume is 180 hours.