Professional development program

      We invite you to participate in the professional development program. Date of the event: August 2, 2022 at 11:00 a.m

Form: online; the Zoom platform.

Details: 2-hour лекції: Кібербезпека та штучний інтелект (мова викладання – англійська).
Лектор: проф. Jacek Leśkow

      The lecture will contain the following elements:
– ENISA – European cyber security standards. Recommendations for sustainable infrastructure. The 5G problem;
– Finland – infrastructural solution of transport problems; – ISO 27000 standards;
– interaction of artificial intelligence – cyber security. The role of data modeling in cyber attacks. Detection of DDoS attacks.

Machine learning in cyber security. To register for the event, you must fill out the form: