6.170102 - Systems of Technical Information Protection

Systems of Technical Information Protection is a new Baccalaureate program of higher education in Ukraine in the Information security field of knowledge. The feature of this program is experts preparation in the field of information security, which is well grasped in the threats sources and vulnerabilities of objects information activities, technical channels of information leakage, legal, organizational, administrative and technical measures as well as technical measures for counteract unauthorized access to restricted information. Such experts thoroughly trained in modern hardware and software tools. The deficiency of highly skilled professionals is tangible in our time not only in Dnepropetrovsk region, but also in Ukraine generally. National Mining University is an educational institution that prepares the masters in such program.

The professionals, who got education in the National Mining University on Systems of technical information protection program, will be able to work as: administrators and technicians technical protection of information; administrators of automated data management information system with limited access, analysts in computer telecommunications of technical protection, i.e. wherever people used computerized information processing systems of different nature and function, as well as in research institutes, industry and university departments engaged in theoretical and experimental research in the development, improvement and protection of information management systems and complexes.

The presentation of diploma works made by best students: